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How to use the high pressure washer correctly
Release time:2021-04-07 10:51:18      Click times:160

1. In the process of using the high pressure washer, it is necessary to always wear appropriate gloves, goggles and masks and other protective tools.

2. During the cleaning process, keep your hands and feet away from the nozzle of the high-pressure washer.

3. Before using the high-pressure cleaner, always check whether all electrical connections are normal.

4. Regularly check whether there are cracks and leaks in the hose of the high-pressure washer. If it has been found to be faulty, it should be replaced in time;

Check all liquids regularly.

5. Try to work with the lowest pressure, provided that the pressure is sufficient to complete the cleaning work.

6. When the spray gun of the high-pressure cleaner is not used, set the trigger in a safe* locked state.

7. Before disconnecting the hose, always release the pressure in the washing machine.

8. After using the high-pressure cleaner, remember to drain the water in the hose.

9. Never point the spray gun at yourself or others.

10. Before starting the equipment, be sure to check carefully and make sure that all hose joints are locked in place. And to test to connect the supply water and let the appropriate water flow through the spray gun stem. After ensuring that all the above procedures are normal, you can connect the required cleaning nozzle to the spray gun rod.

11. Another thing to note is that the high-pressure cleaner should not be left unsupervised during operation. It may cause environmental damage. Second, long-term use of the high-pressure cleaner will damage the pump and affect the service life of the high-pressure cleaner!

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